Heartbeat 2 OpenAIS

While upgrading a pretty recent Heartbeat cluster to OpenAis earlier today I ran into the following weird situation

  1. Last updated: Fri Oct 16 08:50:03 2009
  2. Stack: openais
  3. Current DC: CO_NMS-1 - partition with quorum
  4. Version: 1.0.5-462f1569a43740667daf7b0f6b521742e9eb8fa7
  5. 4 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
  6. 1 Resources configured.
  7. ============
  9. Online: [ CO_NMS-1 CO_NMS-2 ]
  10. OFFLINE: [ co_nms-1 co_nms-2 ]


  1. crm(live)node# show
  2. co_nms-1(5c48ab4f-767f-e2dc-20ec-5969cddad152): normal
  3. co_nms-2(922ff786-eca9-bed0-d79d-8222727a2c5b): normal
  4. CO_NMS-1: normal
  5. CO_NMS-2: normal

Whohoo.. OpenAIS must have realized I have upperase and lowercase cores :)

Funny to see .. but quickly solved..