Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - alan robertson en Wholesale High Availability <p><a href="http://techthoughts.typepad.com/managing_computers/2008/10/using-virtualization-to-provide-ha-at-wholesale.html" rel="nofollow">Alan</a> just coined WholeSale HA. The idea of rebooting a whole virtual machine rather than just failing over 1 service.</p> <p>He wants to have the best of both worlds in 1 framework, he however doesn't specify what parts he likes from the WholeSale HA setup</p> <p>Yes you want to use it coupled with hardware predictive failure analysis tools. In order to achieve Higher Availabilty, but I don't think the WholeSale HA part is real HA.</p> <p>WholeSale HA isn't going to be fast enough for most of the business critical environments.<br /> You simply cannot afford to reboot or even boot a full machine and the related downtime that brings for your service.</p> <p>So yes a best effort combination, but with a strong focus on the application state would be preferred. WholeSale is a good start .. but it's definitely not where you want to stop.</p> alan robertson ha high-availability linux-ha vapourware virtualization Sat, 25 Oct 2008 13:56:28 +0000 Kris Buytaert 750 at