Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - fat en FAT <p><a href="http://laforge.gnumonks.org/weblog/2009/02/27/#20090227-microsoft_patent_lawsuit" rel="nofollow">Harald</a> has a nice overview of the FUD that is being spread again by some company from RedMond ..</p> <p>Now why are they targeting TomTom ? Surely because Canon and Sony and different others are to big to sue, Both my EOS400D, Ixus400 and K800i , are using a way to FAT filesystem to store files on,<br /> I tried putting ext2 formatted disks in them but that failed :)<br /> (Not running Linux or already having paid up might be another reason) </p> <p>Harald notes that there is no difference between the Kernel.org FAT implementation and the TomTom implementation so why aren't they going for a bigger fish ? </p> <p>I`m sure there are plenty of other companies shipping Linux based products that are allowing people to use their own Flashdisks hence using the FAT code.</p> <p>TomTom is originally from The Netherlands, yet the case is<br /> filed somewhere in the US. I wonder how the EC would react to such a suit.</p> <p>Oh well.. interresting times ahead ...</p> fat gpl open source opensource patent tomtom Mon, 02 Mar 2009 19:02:25 +0000 Kris Buytaert 884 at