Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - 10thfloor test en The Toss Test <p>It seems like <a href="http://www.krisbuytaert.be/blog/?q=node/41">The 10th floor test</a> which I described in my early blog years and which got refused at Wikipdia is also often referred to as the <a href="http://dev2ops.blogspot.com/2007/09/automaton-toss-tests.html" rel="nofollow">Toss Test</a></p> <p>However I must say I prefer to do the test without the part where they throw the engineer out of the window :)</p> 10thfloor test infrastructures.org toss Fri, 05 Oct 2007 15:00:40 +0000 Kris Buytaert 462 at