Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - apple en On the death of a monopolist <p>So it seems MySQL got on the radar of the monopolist, but the quotes that came from that event are more <a href="http://mysqlha.blogspot.com/2008/07/only-4-dbms-vendors-matter-according-to.html" rel="nofollow">interesting </a>.</p> <p>Over at Oscon2008 <a href="http://radar.oreilly.com/2008/07/oscon-day-3-reflections-on-osc.html" rel="nofollow">Oscon</a> people started realizing that the old monopolist definitely isn't the one to be afraid of.. there's new ones out there.. </p> <p>I already got quoted in a local magazine on the fact that new startups are more looking to Google than to redmond, but it also seems that Apple is the new kid in town to envy. </p> <p>However, when looking at the Linux desktop I think we shouldn't be trying to imitate anybody .. we should be trying to head the pack, just as we have already done with Vitualization and other technologies.</p> apple google mysql ols2008 opensource oscon Sat, 26 Jul 2008 19:45:48 +0000 Kris Buytaert 696 at